July 24, 2008

"Is it because you know he drops rhymes like atom bombs, rightin' wrongs and collectin' blondes like Rolexes on his arms?"

Yes, the Rush episode of the Colbert Report was very entertaining. But I think last night's episode, featuring Nas, might have been one of the most wholly entertaining episodes I've seen in a while. The Starbucks bit at the beginning is good, as is Colbert's interview with Nas at the end, in which Nas details is beef with Fox News and especially his beef with Papa Bear. Colbert also suggests that the United States try and join the European Union. Good stuff all around.

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Blogger Unknown said...

is that rhyme from? is that a colbert original or WHAT because its SOLID as fuck

July 24, 2008 at 3:00 PM 

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