November 22, 2011

Music Video Post

In case anyone was interested, there were a couple of music videos released this week that I've run across. I liked both of them.

"The Shrine / An Argument" // Fleet Foxes

Also, Peter Bjorn and John released their newest video for a song on their recent album, Gimme Some. They decided to premiere it via Pop Matters (whose site design looks a bit like a drugstore site, in my opinion).

"Dig A Little Deeper" // Peter Bjorn & John

Also of note, our buddy Bill Arteaga, of Ampersand Posture, has released a new song. Check it:

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Blogger JHitts said...

Like the Disney animation vibe on the Foxes.

November 22, 2011 at 7:37 PM 
Blogger Fr. Mark Perkins said...

Sean Pecknold, the lead singer's brother, was one of the two animators for the video. He also made the animations for the latest FF tour. Those animations sucked.

This Fleet Foxes video, however, is totally compelling. Also, I think that's my favorite video.

November 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM 
Blogger Fr. Mark Perkins said...

The ad-covered background makes Pop Matters look like myspace.

That Ampersand Posture track sounds nice.

November 22, 2011 at 11:09 PM 
Blogger Chase said...

I loved the animation for that Fleet Foxes video. Very cool stuff.

November 22, 2011 at 11:30 PM 

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