February 18, 2012

Thoughts about Instagram

For today's paper I wrote about the local Instagram community, and in a couple hours I'll be meeting many of these hobby photographers face to face for the first time. It was that thought — the transition from digital to real life friendship — that seemed intriguing enough to warrant the story.

My most interesting Instagram stories:

1) I once saw a photo with a unique perspective of the Nashville skyline. I realized which apartment building would yield the view, and noticed that someone commented on the photo, wondering where that place was. I guessed, and the photographer confirmed it.

2) While on the road trip through N.C. and Virginia earlier this month, I would search the next day's city for photos of signature landmarks and buildings. Almost always, I could find a great shot of my favorite building. (In part, this prevented me from needing to stop to take my own.)

3) I look at a lot of #bullmastiff tagged photos. A lot.

Here is my Instagram photo feed, run through Embedagram. Otherwise, I usually search and browse (when not on my phone) with Gramfeed.

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Blogger Chase said...

I really like that Instagram has become another thing I monitor each day, it being centered around photography and all, but I need to explore it more.

I never really use hashtags or the search function. I mainly keep watch on my feed, which doesn't include all that many people to begin with. I see much potential though.

February 19, 2012 at 10:54 AM 
Blogger Tony said...

I love searching the tags, whether for #bullmastiff #roadmaster #juggle or whatnot.

February 19, 2012 at 9:59 PM 
Blogger Margaret Anne said...

It's been really great for my dad, who has been going through some medical problems that have made it nearly impossible to draw with his right arm.
My feed gets a little crowded by his photos, but it's really nice for him to have a quick creative outlet.

February 21, 2012 at 10:24 AM 
Blogger Tony said...

Maggie, thanks for sharing!

February 21, 2012 at 2:42 PM 

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